2007-04-16 | Circular (Major transaction: Proposed acquisition of the entire equity interest and the subscription of new shares in a company, proposed refreshment of general mandate to allot new shares; and re-election of directors) |
2007-04-13 | Announcement (Extension of long stop date in respect of the placing of new shares) |
2007-04-13 | Unusual price & volume movements |
2007-04-11 | Announcement ((1) Delay in despatch of circular; and (2) obtaining of approval on transformation of Fujian Maidisen Enterprise Company Limited into wholly foreign owned enterprise) |
2007-04-02 | Announcement (Update on letters of intent) |
2007-04-02 | Company Profile (as of 02/04/2007) |
2007-03-21 | Unusual price & volume movements |
2007-03-21 | Announcement (Major transaction in relation to the proposed acquisition of the entire equity interest and the subscription of new shares in a co.;placing of new shares; appointment of non-executive director & resumption of trading) |
2007-03-14 | Suspension of Trading |
2007-02-22 | Unusual price & volume movements |
2007-02-16 | Unusual volume movement |
2007-02-16 | Proxy Form |
2007-02-16 | Circular (Proposed refreshment of general mandate to issue shares, proposed refreshment of scheme mandate limit and proposed increase in authorised share capital) |
2007-02-16 | Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting |
2007-02-14 | Unusual price & volume movements |
2007-02-13 | 3rd Quarterly Report 2006/2007 |
2007-02-12 | Announcement (Results of the open offer) |
2007-02-09 | Results Announcement (Q3, 2006/2007) |
2007-01-30 | Notice of Board Meeting |
2007-01-24 | Announcement (Result of extraordinary general meeting and despatch of prospectus documents) |
2007-01-24 | Document (Open offer of 355,523,083 offer shares at HK$0.08 per offer share on the basis of one offer share for every two shares held on the record date payable in full on application) |
2007-01-16 | Unusual price movement |
2007-01-08 | Proxy Form (Revised) |
2007-01-08 | Circular (Proposed open offer of not less than 350,692,167 offer shs and not more than 368,117,579 offer shs at HK$0.08 per offer sh on the basis of 1 offer sh for every 2 shares held on record date payable in full on application) |
2007-01-08 | Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting |
2007-01-02 | Announcement (Appointment of executive director and extension of long-stop date in respect of the letter of intent regarding the proposed acquisition) |
2006-12-15 | Announcement (Proposed open offer at HK$0.08 per offer share on the basis of one offer share for every two shares held on record date payable in full on application & resumption of trading) |
2006-12-12 | Suspension of Trading |
2006-12-01 | Company Profile (as of 01/12/2006) |
2006-11-29 | Unusual price movement |
2006-11-27 | Company Profile (as of 27/11/2006) |
2006-11-27 | Announcement (Completion of acquisition of equity interests in and shareholders loan of Day View Group Limited and letter of intent in respect of proposed acquisition) |
2006-11-14 | 2nd Quarterly Report 2006/2007 |
2006-11-10 | Results Announcement (Q2, 2006/2007) |
2006-11-10 | Results Announcement (Q2, 2006/2007, Summary) |
2006-10-26 | Notice of Board Meeting |
2006-10-20 | Joint Announcement (Letter of intent : Cooperation in medical and healthcare businesses in the PRC) |
2006-09-28 | Announcement (Extension of long-stop date in respect of the letter of intent regarding the proposed acquisition) |
2006-08-28 | Change of Company Name |
2006-08-24 | Change of Company Name |
2006-08-24 | Announcement (Change of company name and stock short name and appointment of the chief executive officer) |
2006-08-15 | 1st Quarterly Report 2006/2007 |
2006-08-14 | Results Announcement (Q1, 2006/2007, Summary) |
2006-08-14 | Results Announcement (Q1, 2006/2007) |
2006-08-08 | Proxy Form |
2006-08-08 | Circular (Proposed general mandates to issue and repurchase shares, proposed refreshment of scheme mandate limit, proposed re-election of retiring directors, proposed amendments to the articles of association and notice of AGM) |
2006-08-08 | Notice of Annual General Meeting |
2006-07-31 | Notice of Board Meeting |
2006-07-28 | Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting |
2006-07-28 | Proxy Form |